Netzwerkstatt /Products /Hardware ::

Home and Office PCs

You won't find anything off-the-shelf:

We build your highly customized pc out of premium components for you.

In a one-on-one interview, we find out about your requirements and you will get a pc, which will suit your demands perfectly.

Workgroup Server

From soho servers to high availability enterprise server cluster:

You will find exactly the server, which will suit your company perfectly. Be it multi-processor, raid or fully redundant systems; be it windows 2000/2003, AIX, MacOS or Linux/*BSD - our servers are simply top-notch.

Mobile Computing

Your office, while you are out on business:

Your needs are, what counts for us - do you need a laptop for typing a few lines, while you are en-route? Or maybe you want it for video editing/presentations? Do you need it to be stand-alone or networked? Whatever your needs are - our laptops will comply with your individual requirements.

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