Netzwerkstatt /Products /Hardware /Home and Office-PCs ::

Office PCs

Office PCs are generally bought with high rentability in mind. The more varying the workstations are, the more costly and time-consuming will be the administration and maintenance. This is generally true for companies with more than 5 IT workstations. If you have a monolithic system instead, the routine costs for the cyclic maintenance and repairs will be kept minimised. Therefore, the total cost of ownership (TCO) of your system will be low.

We will gladly help you to find the optimal solution for your company in an one-on-one interview.

  • Office PCs (fat clients) are normal pcs, just like the ones, which you probably will have at home as well. Fat clients are useful, if you have none or less powerful servers in your company. A fat client has the operating system and applications installed on the local harddrive. An example for a fat client in a company would be a graphics-, video- or sound-editing workstation which needs high computing power and fast access to the local harddisks.
  • Office PCs (thin clients) are the umbrella term for 3 kinds of office pcs: Thick clients, thin clients and ultra-thin clients
    • Thick clients get their software from a server and use network storage systems to store the data. The software runs on the local workstation though. An example for a thick client would be a workstation at the reception
    • Thin clients have very low demands to their hardware. They generally have no local harddisks; the RAM and the computing power is minimal as well. Thin clients use specific terminal software to display the output of programs, which run solely on the central server. An example for a thin client would be a data aquisition workstation in a mid-sized enterprise.
    • Ultra-thin clients sole purpose is to display data and give no possibility for user interaction An example for an ultra-thin client is an information display

Home PCs

The demands to a home pc are as individiual as their users are: Will word processing be its main purpose? Will it be more a gamer pc? Will it be used mainly for graphics-, video- or sound-editing? Or will it be used as media center in the living room?

As individual as the demands are, as different are the optimal pcs for the specific demands: A pc, which excels in one purpose might be mediocre at best, when used for other purposes. The hyped pc might turn out to be very slow for the one application you bought it for.

We gladly are your guide through the daily hardware jungle and will find the hardware which suits your needs best in an one-on-one interview.

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